Saturday 12 August 2017


                              The smart restaurant is a concept where a restaurant working is based on using state of the art technology from reservation to ordering and storing customer records. The traditional restaurant system working is replaced by use of smart phones, tablets or graphical user interface interactive touch screens. Customers will order their meal through tablets, so that the order is directly routed to the kitchen via a central server. Also customer’s records are permanently maintained in the central server which can be used later for marketing, accounts and sales purposes. The smart restaurant reduces workload of the staff employed for hospitality services. The kitchen will have an interface where orders will be served according to priority (first come first serve). The customers will order from an android app installed on a tablet when they are in the restaurant or from their home for home delivery services.
                               The existing food ordering system in most of the hotels is entirely a manual process which involves waiters, pen and paper. The waiter had to get order from customers, take these orders to kitchen, update them in records and again generate bill for the ordered food. Even though this system is simple it may involve human errors in noting down the orders, forwarding it to chef, and finally calculating the bill. To overcome these limitations in manual system some systems were developed like PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) based systems and multi touchable restaurant management systems to automate food ordering process. Our main motivation is to completely automate the ordering process in restaurants and hotels to improve the efficiency and reduce the problems faced by the customers.
                                           The block diagram basically shows all the modules and their connection with the central server. The customer module (android application) and the kitchen module (GUI) are connected with the server over a Wi-Fi network which will be provided in the restaurant. While the home delivery and reservation module will be connected over the internet via a website or an external android application. It will be basically used for the parcel system or table booking.

This system is implemented to enhance the security and protect the device against thefts. Figure below shows the circuit diagram of the buzzer circuit which will be attached to an android phone or a tablet. If a customer tries to pull the phone/tablet out of its position, the buzzer will ring with a noticeable sound. It is powered by a 9V battery.

  • Manager login page is used for manager/admin login at the start of the day for security purpose.
  • Database of the restaurant is displayed on the android app dashboard which is the complete overview of the main menu and other features of the restaurant. 
  • Every login and logout has been password protected to ensure security. 
  •  The flow diagram depicts the entire work flow of the project in a step wise procedure.
  •  The hardware includes a buzzer circuit which has been implemented to ensure security and protect the device against thefts.

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